I'm afraid that the commands are shell-like command line based.. I installed serveral plugins and i am determing to make some over the month...hopefully
Also my new and old map will be on the server ASAP after i finish it (more news on it later!)
Here they are
* sm_alpha - sets player alpha (visibility) 0 is invisible, 255 is opaque (normal)
* sm_colorize - sets player color (normal to revert)
* sm_colorize_colors - displays colors available to sm_colorize
* sm_ff - toggles friendly fire (this is triggered from the Server Commands admin menu)
* sm_happy - replaces clients text chat with strings from happy_phrases.ini
* sm_invis - toggles or sets player invisibility
* sm_tele - Teleports player to where admin is looking
* sm_explode - Explodes player(s) (only works with games supporting the 'explode' client console cmd, eg TF2)
* sm_disco - changes all players colors to random every x seconds (this is triggered from the Server Commands admin menu). x is defined by cvar sm_discointerva.
* sm_discointerval - interval in seconds for how often players colors will change in disco mode. Default is 0.6 seconds.
* sm_autodisco <1|0> - If enabled, discomode is enabled on map change.
* sm_autodiscotime Time in seconds to run auto disco mode for, default 60.0
and sm_showtext <text>
More to come
- Faded (AKA DaSh)
Server maintainer
Kontact :
Company Email: winry.chris@animesquare.net
Hotmail: kishin@hotmail.com
AIM : tigalabsdash
Xfire : winry01 (on nearly on 24/7)
Steam : dashwinry/ryu-kishin
Website Kontact : Winry.animesquare.net